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Apple: Steve Jobs deixa o lugar de CEO

jobs_thumb20110204Steve Jobs, fundador da Apple abdicou do lugar de CEO, mas continuará como presidente.
O mercado reagiu à sua saída com uma descida no pré-mercado de 7%.

Tim Cook, é o novo CEO da Apple.
Tim Cook substituiu em todas as baixas médicas Steve Jobs e um claro sinal de que seria o “escolhido” de Steve Jobs. Na carta que enviou ao conselho de administração e à comunidade Apple, Steve Jobs foi claro a sugerir Tim Cook e foi aceite de imediato pelos membros da administração da Apple.
Com Tim Cook no lugar de CEO a Apple fica em “boas mãos”

Esta foi a mensagem que endereçou à administração da Apple e a toda a comunidade da Apple:

To the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community:

I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.

I hereby resign as CEO of Apple. I would like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, director and Apple employee.

As far as my successor goes, I strongly recommend that we execute our succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO of Apple.

I believe Apple’s brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it. And I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role.

I have made some of the best friends of my life at Apple, and I thank you all for the many years of being able to work alongside you.



Paixão: O sumo da Maçã invencível

Steve Jobs: Documentário – Game Changers – Bloomberg